From NSRegularExpression to SwiftRegex

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In this year’s WWDC, Apple introduced a new way of dealing with Regular Expressions. Regular Expressions, usually referred to as ‘Regex’, are strings of characters which define a pattern to be targeted in a text search. Despite being a powerful tool to solve a very common problem, their syntax can be very daunting and difficult to understand at first glance. I often find myself making use of resources such as regex101, which provides a playground for Regular Expressions with detailed explanations on what each element does.

In Swift, up to the upcoming iOS 16 and macOS 13 versions, the way to deal with Regular Expressions was through NSRegularExpression.

If you have ever worked with this API at some point, you will know that it can be cumbersome. It requires a regex pattern to be provided as a String, has a throwing initialiser and matches and capture groups have to be extracted from NSTextCheckingResults through String indices and ranges.

As you can imagine by now, this process provides very little compiler safety. If your Regex pattern is not valid, or you are accessing a capture group that’s not present for a given match, you will only be made aware of it once the app is running. What this implies is that this code will usually be crash-prone and will require a fair amount of error handling – as you will see in the code snippet in the next section.

This article assumes some knowledge of the current NSRegularExpression API for the code examples below. If you’re not familiar with it, there is a great article on the topic by NSHipster’s Matt. I frequently refer to it every single time I have to use NSRegularExpression in my projects, so I couldn’t write an article on the topic without mentioning it! 🤩

Painting a picture

A while ago, I was working on a project which required intricate code generation using Sourcekit. I needed to perform an index request on a set of files, which required me to pass their target’s compiler arguments. This is a tricky situation because, as far as I know, you can only find out what the exact arguments are for the swift compiler (swiftc) from xcodebuild’s logs. And, if you’ve ever had a look through them, they can be hard to decipher! 🧐

To aid the process and save my future self some time, I wrote a command line tool which listed all modules and their compiler arguments from a given .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace’s build output. Specifically, I was interested in finding all calls to swiftc and pulling out the right information from the command. In a very simplified way, the format of the relevant text looks like this:

An image showing the simplified raw output of the xcodebuild command

To extract this specific information, I used a Regular Expression with two capture groups: one for the module’s name, which grabbed the word exactly after the -module-name flag and one for the compiler arguments, which will always follow the module’s name. The following image shows the result of applying the Regular Expression pattern swiftc.*-module-name\s(\w*\b)(\s(.*))? to the project’s xcodebuild output:

An image showing the effect of the intended regex result on the raw xcodebuild output.

The parsing code at the time made use of NSRegularExpression to pull out the right information and convert it to a more desirable format (a tuple typealiased to Module for convenience):

import Foundation

typealias Module = (name: String, arguments: String?)
enum Parser {
    static func parse(string: String) -> [Module] {
	    // 1
        let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(
		    pattern: #"swiftc.*-module-name\s(\w*\b)(\s(.*))?"#,
			options: .caseInsensitive
        // 2
        let matches = regex?.matches(
	        in: string,
	        range: NSRange(location: .zero, length: string.count)
        ) ?? []
        // 3
        return matches.compactMap { result in
            guard result.numberOfRanges > 0,
                let moduleName = extractCaptureGroupString(
                    from: result,
                    at: 1,
                    in: string
                ) else {
                return nil

            return (
                    from: result,
                    at: 2,
                    in: string

    private static func extractCaptureGroupString(
	    from result: NSTextCheckingResult,
	    at index: Int,
	    in text: String
    ) -> String? {
        guard index < result.numberOfRanges,
            let stringRange = Range(
                result.range(at: index),
                in: text
            ) else {
                return nil

        return String(text[stringRange])

Looking a bit closer at what the code above does, we can see that:

  1. A regular expression is created. This step can throw an error, so error handling needs to be provided and is not checked at compile time.
  2. Matches between the given string’s start and end indices are enumerated.
  3. The matches are checked to see if they contain capture groups. For this specific example, there will always at least be one capture group containing the module’s name and, in some cases, a second one containing the compiler arguments, which will be made optional. This requires writing numerous checks to make sure no out of bounds exceptions occur at runtime, and the concept of optionality is introduced by the consumer of the API, rather than the API itself.

You can probably start to see a pattern, the process is cumbersome, hard to read and, if not written carefully, it can easily cause runtime exceptions.

SwiftRegex to the rescue

Thankfully, the Swift standard library team have done some outstanding work in this area and have created SwiftRegex, a Domain Specific Language (DSL) to handle all regex-related code.

Aside from its simplicity and its compile-time safety, what I like the most is its use of Result Builders, which allows developers to create Regular Expressions in Swift effortlessly and verbosely, with very little need to be familiar with traditional Regex syntax.

Rewriting a Regex string using Result Builders

Let’s take a look at how the code above can be re-written using Result Builders. The code snippet below shows how each of the statements in the builder relates to the original Regex pattern string:

import RegexBuilder
	// swiftc.*-module-name\s(\w*\b)(\s(.*))?
    static let regex = Regex {
	    // swiftc
        // .*
        // -module-name
        // \s
        // (\w*\b)
        Capture {
        // (\s(.*))?
        Optionally {
            Capture {

Let’s again look at the code above step by step and compare to how each block relates to the string pattern we previously had:

  • First, the RegexBuilder module must be imported.
  • A Regex type is initialised using the @RegexComponentBuilder provided by the new API.
  • The "swiftc" string and "-module-name" have to be matched exactly, so they can be passed as raw strings.
  • Between those two strings, there must be zero or more characters of any kind.
  • There must be exactly one whitespace character after the "-module-name" string.
  • The first capture group is then introduced, matching at least one, if not more, words anchored by the word boundary. This will define the module’s name. The return type in this case will ultimately be Substring.
  • The second group comes straight after, and it might or might not be present. This can be specified as Optionally being present, and the return type will reflect it! The group will be captured only if there is one whitespace before it and will match any character after it. The resulting type will ultimately be Substring?, reflecting the optional nature of the capture group.

Beautiful right? 🤩 The code becomes so much readable than the string pattern we saw in the initial example. Every statement can be read and understood and, if I were to come back to this code in the future, I’d understand its functionality a lot quicker.

It is also checked at compile time, so we can be sure that the regex is valid once the app is running and, one of my favourite features, the concept of optionality is provided by the API!

Apple has provided very comprehensive documentation for this new API, and all available operators, quantifiers and components can be found on the RegexBuilder’s documentation page.

Even better, Kishikawa Katsumi has built an online playground and converter called SwiftRegex. Aside from features such as a playground for testing the new builder DSL syntax from a browser, it allows you to convert Regex strings into the equivalent Swift code from RegexBuilder 🎉.

The result of converting a Regex string pattern into the new API using the  SwiftRegex website.

Finding matches in text

Let’s now take a look at how the matches and capture groups can be extracted:

enum ArgumentParser {
	// ...
    static func parse(string: String) -> [Module] {
	        // 1
            .matches(of: regex)
            // 2
            .map { match in
	            // 3
                let (_, moduleName, compilerArguments) = match.output
                var module: Module = (String(moduleName), nil)
                if let compilerArguments {
                    module.arguments = String(compilerArguments)
                return module

Looking a bit closer at what the code above does, the steps from extracting the right information from the given text are:

  1. Use the String method .matches and pass it the Regex pattern to obtain all matches in the text.
  2. Iterate through all matches and map them to the desired result type. In this case, this will be the same Module tuple used earlier in the article.
  3. Extract the properties from match.output. The first property is always the wholeMatch, which is the entirety of the matched string. The other two in this case are the capture groups defined in the Regex object: the module’s name and the compiler arguments string.

Wrapping up…

That’s it! That is all it takes to extract content from some given text using Regular Expressions using the new RegexBuilder framework. I have to say I am a big fan of the use of Result Builders to create patterns and how easy it is to introduce optionality into the mix as well with the assurances provided by its great compiler safety.

There are other features introduced in the new SwiftRegex framework, but this article only covers the result builders feature, which is my favourite from this year’s WWDC! If you want to learn more about SwiftRegex, definitely check out this year’s two sessions on it:

  1. Meet Swift Regex.
  2. Swift Regex: Beyond the basics.