Named capture groups in Swift regular expressions

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I have recently been working on a new feature for my app QReate that will allow users to create different kinds of QR codes from a set of templates.

This feature is essentially a way of formatting and displaying the content of a QR code in a more user-friendly way.


The first template I will be adding to the app is the WIFI URL one. WIFI URLs are used in QR codes to allow users to easily connect to a WIFI network by scanning the QR code.

The format of such URLs looks like this:


The URL above defines the required information to join the WIFI network through a number of key-value pairs:

  1. S: The SSID of the WIFI network. This is a required field.
  2. T: The type of security used by the WIFI network. This is an optional field. It can be one of the following values: WEP, WPA, WPA2, or nopass.
  3. P: The password of the WIFI network. This is a required field. If the WIFI network does not require a password, this field should be empty.
  4. H: The hidden status of the WIFI network. This is an optional field. If not specified, the WIFI network is assumed to be a visible network and the H field will be empty or FALSE.

Note that this is how I defined my schema in the app and I have made fields that are optional to make the client-side experience better.

Regex: Extracting information

After a lot of fighting with regular expressions, I was able to come up with one that did the job of extracting the right information from the WIFI URL:


The regular expression above has a set of capture groups for each of the values, taking optionality into account based on whether the keys are required or not.

The thing I learnt while working on this feature and that made my life a lot easier is that you can name capture groups to later retrieve them more nicely from your code.

In the next couple of sections, I will show you how to do this in Swift in two different ways: using NSRegularExpression and using SwiftRegex.

iOS 16+: Using SwiftRegex

SwiftRegex is a relatively new API introduced in iOS 16 that allows you to write and use regular expressions in a more Swift-friendly way.

There are two ways you can build a regular expression using SwiftRegex:

  1. Using Regex literals.
  2. Using RegexBuilder’s result builders.

Using Regex literals

You can define a Regex literal by wrapping a regular expression in forward slashes:

import Foundation

let regex = /WIFI:S:(?<ssid>[^;]+);(?:T:(?<security>[^;]*);)?P:(?<password>[^;]+);(?:H:(?<hidden>[^;]*);)?;/

You can then retrieve the whole match in the string you are matching against using the .wholeMatch method and retrieve the named captured groups directly:

let wifi = "WIFI:S:superwificonnection;T:WPA;P:strongpassword;;"

if let result = try? regex.wholeMatch(in: wifi) {
    print("SSID: \(result.ssid)")
    print("Security: \(")
    print("Password: \(result.password)")

Result builders

This is by far my favourite way of writing regular expressions in Swift. The RegexBuilder APIs allow you to compose a regular expression using a set of result builders that make the code a lot more readable and maintainable.

import RegexBuilder

let ssid = Reference(Substring.self)
let password = Reference(Substring.self)
let security = Reference(Substring.self)
let hidden = Reference(Substring.self)

let regex = Regex {
  Capture(as: ssid) {
  Optionally {
    Regex {
      Capture(as: security) {
  Capture(as: password) {
  Optionally {
    Regex {
      Capture(as: hidden) {

If you’d like to convert your existing regular expressions to SwiftRegex and don’t know where to start, check out by Kishikawa Katsumi.

You can then use the same wholeMatch method you used in the previous section and retrieve the values from the named capture groups through the reference properties:

let wifi = "WIFI:S:superwificonnection;T:WPA;P:strongpassword;;"

if let result = try? regex.wholeMatch(in: wifi) {
    print("SSID: \(result[ssid])")
    print("Security: \(result[security])")
    print("Password: \(result[password])")

Using NSRegularExpression

NSRegularExpression is an alternative API you can use if you still need to support versions older than iOS 16. This API has been around for a while and is widely supported across all Apple platforms. The only downside to it is that it is far more cumbersome to use and it is more error-prone.

You can start by instantiating a new NSRegularExpression object and pass it the same regular expression we defined earlier as its pattern:

import Foundation

let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(
    pattern: #"WIFI:S:(?<ssid>[^;]+);(?:T:(?<security>[^;]*);)?P:(?<password>[^;]+);(?:H:(?<hidden>[^;]*);)?;"#,
    options: []

You can then get the first match from the string using the firstMatch method and then retrieve all capture groups by name:

import Foundation

let wifi = "WIFI:S:superwificonnection;T:WPA;P:strongpassword;;"

let range = NSRange(wifi.startIndex..<wifi.endIndex, in: wifi)
guard let match = regex.firstMatch(in: wifi, options: [], range: range) else {

if let ssidRange = Range(match.range(withName: "ssid"), in: wifi),
    let passwordRange = Range(match.range(withName: "password"), in: wifi)  {
    let security: String? = {
        guard let range = Range(match.range(withName: "security"), in: wifi) else { return nil }
        return String(wifi[range])
    let hidden: String? = {
        guard let range = Range(match.range(withName: "hidden"), in: wifi) else { return nil }
        return String(wifi[range])

    print("SSID: \(wifi[ssidRange])")
    print("Password: \(wifi[passwordRange])")
    print("Security: \(security ?? "not set")")
    print("Hidden: \(hidden ?? "not set")")