Learn all about Tools with these posts
Tools and utilities to help you with your development workflow built using Swift.
Learn how you can create App Store optimized stunning screenshots and app previews with RocketSim and use Helm to upload screenshots to App Store Connect.
How to set up Xcode's editor configuration such as indent size and style on a per-project basis using EditorConfig files.
How to find content specified by a Regular Expression in a directory's set of files defined by a Glob pattern using Swift.
Apple has recently introduced over 50 new analytics reports to help developers understand how their apps are performing. These are only available through the App Store Connect API and in this post, I'll show you how to generate and read them.
Pkl (pronounced Pickle) is a new programming language from Apple designed specifically for configuration. It allows developers to design data models richly and expressively through the use of types and then validate them to catch errors early on. A feature that sets it apart for Apple developers and, as it couldn't be any other way with Pkl being an Apple language, is that it has a suite of tools available for generating Swift interfaces from `.pkl` configuration files.
Learn how to create and distribute a Swift macro as a CocoaPods library.
Learn how to launch a SwiftUI view directly from your Swift command-line tool without making a full-blown macOS application.
Find out how to add extra information to your Swift command-line tool through an Info.plist file while keeping it as a single-file executable.
How to use CloudWatch events to automatically run Swift AWS lambdas on a schedule.
How to make use of Swift Packages, plugins and code generation to automate the process of loading custom fonts into your app.
An initial deep dive into what mergeable libraries are and how they can be configured in Xcode.
How I use GitHub Actions to automate the release of my Swift command line tools.